SSC: Explaining Strategic Sustainability Consulting

Dispatch from SSC President Jennifer Woofter

At the Green Festival this past weekend we were asked dozens of times "so what is strategic sustainability consulting"?  And we would dutifully explain who we are and what we do.  A few days later, I still have a scratchy throat from all that talking.  

Here's another way to explain Strategic Sustainability Consulting--one that is kinder to my vocal chords.  Click on any of the pictures to enlarge...

Our Services

About SSC

The SSC Green Audit

I created these word clouds using a nifty website called Wordle, after an introduction by our fabulous friends at Studio 22.  I simply copied text from the SSC website, and got these lovely results.  Perhaps we'll put them on a poster and bring them to the next event and save everyone a lot of talking!