EVENT: Smart Energy Expo

Dispatched by the SSC Team

Interested in making your building smarter and more energy efficient?  BUILDINGSVIP, a continuing educational online resource, is hosting its first-ever live virtual event, the Smart Energy Expo.  The event will cover the full spectrum of energy-related business ideas and solutions, including building controls, lighting, glass, solar, wind, insulation, and reflective roofing. 

The day kicks off online at 9:00am EST on November 9th, but BUILDINGSVIP allows you to save conference materials in your virtual briefcase for download or review whenever you like. 

At 10:00am EST, our very own founder and president, Jennifer Woofter  will walk you through a step-by-step approach to benchmarking your building’s energy consumption using EPA’s Portfolio Manager and other audit tools. 

Register for the Smart Energy Expo now!

Ready to conduct a full-blown energy audit?  Visit Strategic Sustainability Consulting’s website and view the on-demand training!