SSC NEWS: Have You Checked Your Blind Spots?

SSC President, Jennifer Woofter was interviewed recently on making progress through setting goals in the book “Blind Spots: 10 Business Myths You Can't Afford to Believe on Your New Path to Success,” by Alexandra Levit.  You might be interested in taking a look!  Each of us has probably noticed a shift in business practices and the workplace.  The book explores this topic further and tells readers what no longer holds true for getting ahead today, debunking business myths that are more dangerous and less viable than ever … given the current climate of ethical scrutiny and intense competition.  Alexandra offers something better in place of these myths: practical advice on what it really takes to succeed in this new values-driven environment.

In her interview, you get a sense of Jennifer’s travels into entrepreneurship and how “systems can be built into a business.” Jennifer also provides insight into how she set methodical goals as stepping stones “until Strategic Sustainability Consulting was a fully functioning enterprise.”  Alexandra describes Jennifer’s goal-orientation as her secret weapon … providing the ability to create momentum, chunk larger projects into more manageable milestones, and gain a sense of progress after each is successfully completed.

This book takes a refreshing look on the topic of being successful today, and it is a great way to kick off our November blog focus on careers in sustainability.  What are your goals for the coming year?  What’s your vision?  How are you going to turn it into reality?

The hard truth is that few of us are just handed the ingredients for a fulfilling life.  In most cases, if you want them for yourself you have to go out and grab them – and your surest path is by setting goals and following through on them.” – Alexandra Levit