Three Ways Retailers Can Help Their Suppliers Tackle Sustainability

Jennifer Woofter, President of SSC, recently wrote another article for the Toronto Sustainability Speaker Series (TSSS).  The TSSS was launched in 2008 to dispel the myth that sustainability is a cost to business and to share the experiences of companies that have found economic advantages by integrating sustainability into their corporate strategy.  Jennifer's fourth article, posted on February 23, discusses three ways retailers can help their suppliers tackle sustainability.

Here's what Jennifer had to say:

At Strategic Sustainability Consulting, we generally work with the suppliers, rather than the retailers. And I can say without a doubt that suppliers are paying attention to sustainability. They are hearing from virtually every retailer that they sell to, often multiple times per month. They are scrambling to gather data, establish goals, and meet new (and sometimes conflicting) requirements.

So yes. I agree with the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) recent prediction that sustainability will transform the retailer-supplier relationship. But it remains to be seen whether that change is positive or negative for the parties involved. To increase the odds of everyone walking away happier and more sustainable, I offer these three suggestions for retailers. Accept these challenges, and your suppliers will not only thank you — they’ll help you achieve your own sustainability goals.

The three suggestions for retailers include:

  1. Coordinate your supplier questionnaire with other retailers in your sector.
  2. Be clear about what’s coming next.
  3. Answer your email.

To read the full article, click here.