The Best Tips for Telling Your Sustainability Story


We're diving into our collection of saved articles from the last couple months, and pulling out the best ones to share with you. These three articles, all published recently in Greenbiz, provide plenty of food for thought on the topic of sustainability storytelling. Enjoy!

5 tips for creating a sustainability story that sticks, by Deborah Fleisher on Greenbiz: "For starters, frame your sustainability success stories into a larger context, connect with a broader narrative that your audience cares about and find strategic influencers and partners to help drive the conversation." See Deborah's five tips for great insight into sustainability communications with staying power.

Your most powerful marketing tool? Your sustainability story, by Suzanne Shelton on Greenbiz: "We're going to keep hammering this home for a while because it's important: Green consumers are not "green consumers." They are "the most desirable consumers.""  Suzanne remains one of our most favorite thought leaders on sustainability marketing and market research. 

3 keys to communicate sustainability without the ego, By Solitaire Townsend on Greenbiz: "In short, sustainability communications is no longer about you. It's now all about them. Anything else is just 'ego-PR,' a phenomenon that rightfully receives derision." In this article, Solitaire offers sure-fire strategies to get customers engaged with your story.

What other articles have challenged your thinking about sustainability storytelling? Leave us a comment here, or join the conversation on Twitter with SSC President Jennifer Woofter (@jenniferwoofter).