4 Challenges Every Sustainability Leader Faces


Earlier this week we posted a blog post about how to become a more effective sustainability leader. Here is an old blog post addressing challenges every sustainability leader faces:

Regardless of the leadership role we play, there are common challenges every leader faces as we seek to build an organization or guide a team.

-- Dr. Bill Donahue, Linked 2 Leadership

If you are leading your organization's sustainability efforts, pay attention. There are four kinds of challenges that you will encounter -- and each will create its own kind of tension. Here's what to expect:


As Donahue points out, too much fact gathering can result in paralysis from analysis. On the other hand, moving too quickly without thoughtful reflection and information affirms the old adage “haste makes waste.”

We've written about the need to balance learning with action here and here. While there is certainly a sense of urgency in tackling sustainability issues, we are strong advocates of intentionally taking a big step back to assess the larger picture, determine options, and understand goals.

Here's what Donahue says: Usually a new idea needs about 30-60 days to percolate and investigate – then it is time to start shaping some initial experiments, pilot programs or beta tests. Then you can do some trial and error, assess and see if you need to gather more information and what kind of data you need.


We've talked about how to engage and empower employees herehere, and here -- but Donahue makes an important point that, "if you empower dummies, you get dumb decisions faster!" Sustainability leaders must focus on encouraging employees, but also developing their skills so that they can actually do what needs to get done.

Donahue:  Any development strategy requires attention to the “heart” – passions, motives, dreams – and skill development for the “hands” of every leader. Help an emerging leader know what to do but also why it needs to be done so that people change and the mission is accomplished.


In pursuing sustainability, we must break down old behaviors, stop old habits, and instill new practices. This kind of deep-rooted change inevitably introduces conflict. How sustainability leaders handle that conflict will determine whether, 1) the sustainability problem is solved, and 2) whether the relationship can be rebuilt. 

Donahue:  Speak the truth but do it in a gracious, even tone, seeking to understand the other person even as you point out the problem or issue. Give them some space to explain and response, but make sure you speak the whole truth.


There are only so many hours in a day, and sustainability leaders will have to make some tough calls. Here's the question that Donahue wrestles with: "Do we put more energy building relationships on the team and investing in people or focus on getting the job done with excellence and efficiency?" The answer is that sustainability leaders need to be constantly balancing between focusing on the task and focusing on the people. 

Donahue:  And a clear understanding of what success looks like for the project is equally important so that the task is completed with excellence. You can do both.

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How to Become a More Effective Sustainability Leader

Here is a blog post from May 2013 that we think still has a lot of important information:

In the Inc. article, 3 Things All Great Leaders Know About Themselves, author Les McKeown argues that great leaders continually seek to know themselves better. And since we're always looking for ways to help build the capability for our clients’ in-house sustainability leaders, we were intrigued to see the three questions that McKeown says will "yield immediate (positive) results in how you lead."

Do you typically undershoot or overshoot? 

The single most immediate area for self-awareness improvement I see in most leaders is to gain a clear understanding of how they set goals (formally and informally). Again and again I work with leaders unaware that they are consistently playing small ball (setting goals that are way too conservative given their talents) or forever overreaching (setting goals they won't achieve, causing disappointment for themselves and exhaustion in their team)...Once you know which is your tendency, the key of course is to recalibrate your goal setting. If you're undershooting, set your goals higher, step by step. If you're consistently overshooting, lower them, little by little. Once you've hit your sweet spot and are consistently hitting near or at the goals you set, you will of course want to start edging those goals upward. Nothing wrong with that--pushing goals based on a record of consistent success is a good thing.

This is a great question not just for individual sustainability practitioners, but also for the entire sustainability team. When setting energy, waste, and water goals, are you too conservative or too aggressive? Why do you lean one way or another? What are the pros and cons of your approach? 

Is your tendency to analyze, fix, or delegate? 

The second area I see leaders gain the biggest advantage from understanding is in knowing how they respond when things go wrong. Broadly, there are three possible responses: analyze what just happened; "just fix it"; delegate responsibility for fixing it to someone else. (These broadly map to the ProcessorOperator and Visionary styles of leadership, respectively.) If in most cases you respond with a mixture of all three possible responses (some analysis, some direction, and some delegation), then all is well. If you consistently responded by going straight to one option (analyze, fix, or delegate), then you have a challenge ahead--you're taking a knee-jerk, and hence blinkered, approach to problem solving. 

How do you resolve sustainability challenges? Do you have processes in place to thoughtfully evaluate problems so that they do not recur? Have you built a talented team around you who can pick up the slack and address problems on their own? Are you able to quickly and efficiently fix problems when they crop up?

Do you usually say yes or no? 

This last one is easy to analyze but just as profound: Do you consistently say yes to everything that comes your way, causing you to overcommit and underdeliver? Or do you consistently say no, building a reputation as a stick in the mud and missing opportunities to innovate?

This is probably the biggest challenge we see with sustainability strategies -- either they are scattered all over the place, or focused on a single issue. The truth is that an effective sustainability program needs to be built around a handful of high-impact issues that matter to the company and its value chain. This means that sustainability leaders must 1) understand what issues matter to the company and its stakeholders, 2) be able to prioritize those issues, and 3) develop initiatives that support and integrate those issues into the day-to-day decision-making processes of the company.

How does your leadership profile stack up against these questions? Are these the right questions to ask? Are any questions missing? (One of the people who commented in the original article suggested that the question, "how do your employees communicate with you?" should be a fourth question.) Leave us a comment here, or join the conversation on Twitter (@jenniferwoofter).

10 Mistakes to Avoid for Effective Sustainability Decision-Making

You’ve got a great idea for moving your company closer to sustainability, but now comes the pesky problem of implementing it.

As you move from ideation to planning to testing to piloting to roll-out to analysis and continuous improvement, there will be dozens of decisions to make along the way. Any one of them can make or break your idea.

To help your odds, here is a list of ten ways to derail your sustainability idea. Avoid them at all costs. Nine of them come from Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman’s excellent article 9 Habits That Lead to Terrible Decisions, published earlier this month in Harvard Business Review. The tenth one comes straight from my fifteen years in the world of corporate sustainability.

1. Be lazy

As Zenger and Folkman note, this flaw shows up as “failure to check facts, to take the initiative, to confirm assumptions, or to gather additional input.” The first key to successful sustainability planning and execution is being prepared. Have you done your homework—not just about the idea itself, but about the people who need to sign off (and their attitudes towards sustainability), the fate of similar ideas that have been tried in the past, and the resources you will need to fully implement the idea over time?

2. Don’t anticipate unexpected events

Have you examined all the ways that your idea can go wrong? Based on my experience, sustainability plans go off the rails most often in these places:

  • Losing executive support due to re-assignments, turnover, or promotions
  • Being placed on a backburner when other issues come up
  • Becoming underfunded or losing financial incentives
  • Being upstaged by a competitor
  • Not anticipating key customer demands for supplier sustainability
  • Being targeted by an angry (and sometimes unreasonable) advocacy group
  • Failing to account for company culture and not properly engaging employees
  • Neglecting to consider upcoming mergers and acquisitions

Think that anticipating the unexpected can’t be done? “There is excellent research demonstrating that if people just take the time to consider what might go wrong, they are actually very good at anticipating problems,” write Zenger and Folkman. “But many people just get so excited about a decision they are making that they never take the time to do that simple due-diligence.”

3. Be indecisive

While due-diligence is essential, taken too far it can also create inertia. A loss of momentum can derail sustainability decisions for a variety of reasons, and decision-makers need to be prepared to keep moving towards the goal.

One of the key challenges in sustainability is the level of uncertainty. How fast will customer expectations change? Will the federal government ever take meaningful steps towards regulating climate change? What are our competitors doing, and how do we compare? What kind of data do we need to back up a compelling sustainability claim? It’s tempting to sit on the fence until there is a clear answer, but the reality is that by the time consensus emerges, you’ll be left behind in the dust. Figure out how much confidence you need to have to make a decision, and then stick to it. Don’t get stuck waiting for the perfect moment to act.

4. Remain locked in the past

Sustainability is an incredibly complex topic that is changing on an almost daily basis. In particular, the corporate sustainability landscape has been drastically altered in three key areas over the last couple years:

  • Laws and regulation , such as new reporting rules on conflict minerals, disclosure on human trafficking in supply chains, and GHG emissions reduction targets
  • Customer expectations , such as new executive orders on federal green purchasing, ramped-up requirements for labor and human rights auditing, and increasingly detailed supplier scorecards from major retailers
  • Marketing and advertising , such as the new FTC Green Guides for green marketing claims, greater focus on product sustainability through Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and Health Product Declarations (HPDs), and updated disclosure standards like the G4 GRI Guidelines and SASB industry standards.

The lesson here is that you can’t rely on knowledge, assumptions, and research from the past to guide your decisions going forward. If you can’t stay on top of the latest news coming out of the sustainability world, consider bringing in an outside expert to update you several times a year. You can save a lot of headaches by making sure your decision-making is based on fresh and relevant information.

5. Have no strategic alignment

Zenger and Folkman write, “Bad decisions sometimes stem from a failure to connect the problem to the overall strategy. In the absence of a clear strategy that provides context, many solutions appear to make sense. When tightly linked to a clear strategy, the better solutions quickly begin to rise to the top.”

Does the decision you are making have a clear and compelling link to your overarching sustainability strategy? Would your colleagues agree? Do you understand your company’s key sustainability goals? Do you understand how sustainability is integrated (directly and indirectly) with top-line business objectives? If not, take a step back and examine the context in which your decisions are being made.

6. Be overly dependent

While bad decisions are often made by a single person, often the problem is more systemic. This is frequently the case when sustainability ideas must be vetted and approved by multiple individuals in the company before action can be taken. If each step in the execution of your sustainability program has to be funneled through a Green Team, approved by a manager, championed by an executive, considered by steering committee, and then approved by a top executive, you are falling prey to over-dependence. Yes, get thorough review and buy-in for the project, but don’t let each micro-step in the process be micromanaged along the way.

7. Remain isolated

“All our research (and many others’) on effective decision making recognizes that involving others with the relevant knowledge, experience, and expertise improves the quality of the decision,” write Zenger and Folkman.

Sustainability decision-making almost always required cross-functional input. Make sure you bring the right people to the table to discuss options, identify resources, and review goals. And always, always ask the question “who are we missing”?

8. Lack technical expertise

Having the right people in the room to compensate for your lack of knowledge on a topic isn’t enough—which is why this mistake is one of the toughest to overcome. As Zenger and Folkman note, “[W]hen decision makers rely on others’ knowledge and expertise without any perspective of their own, they have a difficult time integrating that information to make effective decisions. And when they lack even basic knowledge and expertise, they have no way to tell if a decision is brilliant or terrible.”

The solution? Get the necessary technical expertise in any way that you can. Whether it’s understanding how to read a financial balance sheet, understanding how the procurement process works, or diving into energy management best practices for data centers, you must be prepared to learn enough to make a good decision.

9. Fail to communicate

“Some good decisions become bad decisions because people don’t understand – or even know about — them. Communicating a decision, its rational and implications, is critical to the successful implementation of a decision,” write Zengler and Folkman.

Unless the sustainability program occurs in a complete vacuum (which I’ve never seen happen), it’s critical to accompany every decision with the appropriate communication and engagement action. Do people understand why this sustainability decision is being made? Do they understand what it means for them, their job, their division, and the company as a whole? Do employees understand how they can help the initiative succeed? Do they understand where they can go for more information? A little communication can go a long way—so don’t neglect the personal side of the sustainability equation.

10. Focus on the story and forget the data

While the narrative behind a sustainability decision is what captures people’s attention and emotion, it’s just as critical to have solid data underlying any sustainability decision. As you balance competing priorities and business objectives, the best decisions will be backed up with robust, unbiased, relevant data. It’s the only way you are going to be able to answer the question: “are we getting the biggest bang for our buck?”

Thanks to 2degrees for publishing our article!

Want to avoid making sustainability mistakes? Here are some great sustainability tips from around internet that can be found in one our blog posts.