Facilitation Skills for Sustainability Practitioners: 75-minute Online Course

It isn’t easy getting a group engaged, motivated, and to consensus in order to take the necessary action that will support sustainability efforts. With the right fundamentals, process and practice, facilitation skills can be developed for any professional or consultant. 

Please join us for:

Facilitation Skills for Sustainability Practitioners

Date:  September 10, 2013
Time:  1:00 - 2:15 EST
(75 minutes)
Location:  Online! 
Cost:  $34

Register HERE.

In this interactive workshop, you will learn the basics of facilitation in order to assist organizations, green teams and communities to agree on sustainability decisions and initiatives. Participants will gain information on how to structure meetings in order to create engagement and build consensus. Strategies will be discussed to help prepare agendas, determine activities and exercises, and manage difficult situations.

Bring your questions! In addition to a full hour of training, we'll also save time at the end for discussion about the common challenges and best practices facing our audience members.


K.J. McCorry is the founder of eco-officiency, offering sustainability consulting services to small- and medium-sized businesses. She specializes in sustainability planning, assessments and employee training. She has been an avid environmentalist for over 25 years cultivating sustainability within her own personal and professional life.

For the past 16 years, K.J. has served as one of the leading efficiency and productivity consultants for companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations.  Her work has been committed to streamlining processes to not only create efficiency but also sustainability.  Read her whole bio here.