NEWS: Wal-Mart’s Sustainable Agriculture Strategy

Last week, Wal-Mart rolled out a brand new initiative within its sustainability strategy; a commitment to sustainable agriculture.  According to Wal-Mart’s press release, the initiative’s following three strategic components could mean huge opportunities for small and medium-sized farms.

  1. Support farmers:  Wal-Mart plans to double its sale of locally sourced produce and increase its sourcing from small and medium-sized farms.
  2. Produce food more efficiently: Wal-Mart will ask suppliers their about water, energy, fertilizer, and pesticide use.
  3. Sustainably source key products: Wal-Mart will take initiative in high volume agriculture items, such as palm oil and beef, to ensure its production meets sustainability criteria. 

Whether you’re a food retailer, preparer, or supplier to Wal-Mart or other grocers, this initiative sends a very strong signal on where the agricultural market is headed.  To further familiarize yourself with an overview of the environmental impacts of agriculture, related federal and state programs, and relevant energy and water technologies, check out our newly released white paper, titled Sustainability and Agriculture Go Together like Peanut Butter and Jelly.  

Get this white paper for free