NEWS: Strategic Sustainability Consulting Conducts Waste Assessment and Audit

This August the blog features new green initiatives, technologies, and innovations.  We hope you’ll take away some insight and ideas about how you can work to green your organization, regardless of your industry!

On Tuesday a few members of the SSC DC team trekked up to New Jersey to visit one of our favorite (although shy) clients to conduct our annual waste audit of their administrative headquarters and one million square feet of warehouse space.

The team spent all day sorting, categorizing, and tracking waste.  Yes, we’re not just brilliant proponents and practitioners of sustainability policy – we dig through your trash as well!

Look, although it’s a labor of love, we certainly don’t love digging through industrial manufacturing and office waste.  But it allows us to collective dumpster-sized piles of data about our clients’ waste habits.  Sometimes we find that they’re already recycling, minimizing waste, and disposing their trash like champs.  Other times, however, we roll up to the client’s warehouse and they point us towards their trash with their tails between their legs. 

Either way, the audit gives us critical information that can identify areas for improvement in our clients’ recycling efforts, purchasing decisions, and profitability.  Yeah, us wading through your waste saves you money.  

How does this relate to green innovations, you ask?  Well, all this data needs to be tracked, stored, and processed somewhere.  That’s where the nascent field of sustainability tracking software enters the picture.  This is an extremely important development that is changing the way companies pursue their triple bottom line strategies.  It’s like upgrading from an Atari to an Xbox.  Like trading in your Yugo for a (hybrid) Bentley.  Like evolving from rubbing two sticks together to flamethrowers.  You get the picture.

In fact, sustainability tracking software is such a crucial part of building your strategy that we spent several years researching the subject.  Last month we took that research and published a big ol’ paper that guides you through the process of choosing the software package that’s right for your organization.  You should download it.  Seriously.  It’s free. 

Don’t want strangers seeing what you throw away?  For a measly 50 bucks you can download our webinar, How to Conduct a Waste Audit, and get your own hands dirty.

 By the way…Don’t believe us that the sustainability software movement is a train that you need to jump on now?  Just Google “sustainability reporting software” (or click on this link), and see how many options there are out there.